GERMANY: According to a study, the e-cigarette is mainly used as an alternative to smoking

GERMANY: According to a study, the e-cigarette is mainly used as an alternative to smoking

A recent study from Germany dealing with " Terms of use and perception of health improvement The e-cigarette tells us that vaping is mainly used as an alternative to smoking.


The objective of this study carried out by " European Addiction Research Was to characterize the users of electronic cigarettes according to their consumption patterns, their motivations and also according to the perceived health benefits experienced during vaping. This study was designed with an online survey during the year 2015 and more than 3 German vapers have registered.

Of these 3320 German vapers, 91,5% were former tobacco smokers, 7,5% used electronic cigarettes and tobacco products (vapers), and only 1,0% had never smoked.

Regarding the socio-demographic history, no difference was found between ex-smokers and double users (40,8 years of average age, 81% men, 45% with a high school diploma or above ). Both groups smoked an average of 26,4 cigarettes per day over 22 years, had tried unsuccessfully to quit using various other nicotine replacement products, and had used e-cigarettes for an average of 2 years. .

These ex-smokers consumed less and less e-liquid each month with an increasingly low concentration of nicotine and experienced very positive health changes. Some later made it their hobby. Regarding those who had not smoked for 5 years and more, they used e-liquid without nicotine and without tobacco flavor, more importantly they had no physical addiction.


According to the findings of this study, electronic cigarettes were mainly used as an alternative to smoking and as a nicotine substitute. It is more often the vapofumeurs that ex-smokers who use the e-cigarette where it is prohibited. Positive changes in health are nonetheless more important for ex-smokers than for vapors.

Lehmann K. · Kuhn S.· Reimer J.
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