HEALTH: Vape and pandemic, when Big Pharma gives priority to liberalism!

HEALTH: Vape and pandemic, when Big Pharma gives priority to liberalism!

Around the world, the tone is starting to rise against the all-powerful pharmaceutical industry. Often criticized but too quickly forgiven by certain elites, the Covid-19 pandemic today highlights the incredible greed of Big Pharma. However, the vaping industry has been fighting relentlessly for years against a growing power of laboratories which prioritizes liberalism to the detriment of health.


It took a global pandemic for voices to begin to rise in the face of Big Pharma's boundless greed. Today, the Covid-19 vaccine crisis clearly highlights the sad world in which we live, a world where liberalism takes precedence over everything, even over life! Obscure contracts, doses of vaccines negotiated at high prices, biased or oriented studies, Big Pharma is well hidden behind it all!

Health or financial priority? Once again, humanity gives way to power and greed. It is more important today to make colossal profits than to treat in a coherent and effective way. While this may sound new to some people, the vaping industry is well aware of the problem.


70 deaths from Covid-000, 19 deaths from smoking per year in France, the result is ultimately the same! Behind all this, a health care that is not there and it is largely the responsibility of Big Pharma. For several decades, the smoking crisis has clearly not been addressed by the pharmaceutical industry.

In 2014, vaping is presented to the world as a real alternative that could save thousands of lives every year. Yet Big Pharma constantly chooses to denigrate and attack vaping with biased studies. Why ? For one simple reason: Greed. Big Pharma does not want to sit on billions of dollars (or euros) in sales of products such as patches, gums or even drugs (champix, ziban).

The death toll does not matter to Big Pharma as long as the finances are in good shape. Once again with this pandemic, we see that it is impossible to trust companies that favor excessive liberalism. Once again, we will have to fight just like the vaping industry has been doing for years now!

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About the Author

Editor-in-chief of, the reference site for vaping news. Engaged in the world of vaping since 2014, I work every day to ensure that all vapers and smokers are informed.