SENEGAL: A national survey to evaluate the anti-smoking law in 2020.

SENEGAL: A national survey to evaluate the anti-smoking law in 2020.

In Senegal, the anti-smoking law, passed in 2014, will be evaluated through a planned survey in 2020, announced Tuesday the former president of the Senegalese League Against Tobacco (Listab), Dr. Abdoul Aziz Kasse.


« Next year, we will do a national survey to find out if the number of smokers in Senegal has dropped or not. From that moment, we can say whether the law was effective or not“, Detailed Dr. Kassé.

Taking part in a panel on albinism in Africa, organized by the Henriette Bathily Women's Museum, in partnership with the NGO " OSIWA »And the Foundation« Sococim", He declared that for the moment," la LISTAB seeks funding for this survey

He welcomed, however, the political will that prevailed during the vote on this anti-smoking law. " It can not be said that there was no political will, because the law as soon as voted, in the week that followed, was promulgated. The President of the Republic Macky sall had advised us to hurry for the decrees of application“, Testified Dr. Kassé. 
According to him, LISTAB runs behind the ministries of health and trade, given that there is " whole sections of the law that are applied and others that are not

« We are running behind the Ministry of Health for the various decrees, because the law says that smoking is prohibited in all public places and places open to the public. Unfortunately, the Ministry of Health had slipped a small exception to create smokehouses with a precise specification'' lamented the oncologist.

For him, this open breach makes the law difficult to apply. ''All the bars and restaurants have rushed into it; they don't make a smokehouse, but they create smokehouse spaces, things against the law“, He denounced. 

The LISTAB also claims from the Ministry of Commerce, that it take orders for spaces dedicated to the sale of tobacco. She intends to resume her pilgrim's baton to continue advocacy and sensitization with authorities and populations. According to Dr. Kassé, " 30% of cancers in Senegal are linked to smoking

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Having a training in communication specialist, I take care on the one hand social networks Vapelier OLF but I am also editor for