From pills to packets: Josh Brolin's journey to a new addiction

From pills to packets: Josh Brolin's journey to a new addiction

American actor Josh Brolin, known for his roles in "No Country for Old Men" and "Dune," recently revealed his constant use of nicotine pouches, including while sleeping. During an interview on the podcast "WTF with Marc Maron," Brolin explained that after quitting tobacco chewing, he switched to nicotine pouches, to the point of using them 24 hours a day. He described how his wife sometimes hears chewing noises at night, due to the presence of these pouches in her mouth while she sleeps.

Brolin also mentioned using nicotine lozenges in the past, but had to stop due to dental problems, including seven cavities caused by the sugar content of the lozenges. That experience led him to switch to nicotine pouches, despite the potential risks associated with continued use.

This revelation highlights the challenges faced by people seeking to quit smoking, often seeking alternatives to manage their nicotine addiction. However, excessive use of nicotine replacement therapy can lead to unwanted side effects, highlighting the importance of medical supervision when transitioning to these products.

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Editor and correspondent Switzerland. Vapoteuse for many years, I take care mainly of Swiss news.