Faced with the tax, let's unite to preserve access to vaping. ...
All the economic news of the e-cigarette
Electronic cigarettes: a tax that could compromise public health
Electronic cigarettes: a tax that could compromise public health
France gets EU green light to ban puffs: A step towards stronger protection for young people
France gets EU green light to ban puffs: A step towards stronger protection for young people
2023-2024: The Era of Vaping Facing Regulatory Tensions
2023-2024: The Era of Vaping Facing Regulatory Tensions
ECONOMY: A new tax on vaping products in 2024?
ECONOMY: A new tax on vaping products in 2024?
10 YEARS TOGETHER: Pipeline France and JSV, two essential partners!
10 YEARS TOGETHER: Pipeline France and JSV, two essential partners!
UNITED STATES: The FDA attacks British American Tobacco's vaping products
UNITED STATES: The FDA attacks British American Tobacco's vaping products
DOSSIER: Secondvape.fr, a second-hand platform dedicated to vaping
DOSSIER: Secondvape.fr, a second-hand platform dedicated to vaping
QUEBEC: A ban on aromas for the vape which is of great concern!
QUEBEC: A ban on aromas for the vape which is of great concern!
INNOVATION: FEELM imposes itself at the World Vape Show with new products!
INNOVATION: FEELM imposes itself at the World Vape Show with new products!
ECONOMY: Terroir et Vapeur acquires the BordO2 brand!
ECONOMY: Terroir et Vapeur acquires the BordO2 brand!
ECONOMY: With the vape, a smoker halves his expenses!
ECONOMY: With the vape, a smoker halves his expenses!
ECONOMY: FastTech, the "clone" vape shop will close its doors!
ECONOMY: FastTech, the "clone" vape shop will close its doors!