FDA proposes to reduce nicotine in cigarettes, sparking mixed reactions from retailers
All the social news of the e-cigarette.
United States: Tobacco industry faces historic drop in nicotine
United States: Tobacco industry faces historic drop in nicotine
Electronic cigarettes: a truly safe alternative for our teenagers?
Electronic cigarettes: a truly safe alternative for our teenagers?
Smart Vape: The 2025 version of the electronic cigarette, rightly worries health experts
Smart Vape: The 2025 version of the electronic cigarette, rightly worries health experts
Philippines: E-cigarette smuggling toll hits $2024 billion by 5
Philippines: E-cigarette smuggling toll hits $2024 billion by 5
Ban on pouches: towards a black market and a return to tobacco?
Ban on pouches: towards a black market and a return to tobacco?
Vaping among seniors: a healthy alternative to tobacco
Vaping among seniors: a healthy alternative to tobacco
Video Games and Nicotine: The Dangerous Cocktail of New Electronic Cigarettes
Video Games and Nicotine: The Dangerous Cocktail of New Electronic Cigarettes
VOOPOO and Alfaliquid: An alliance for vulnerable smokers
VOOPOO and Alfaliquid: An alliance for vulnerable smokers
Youth Vaping: How to Stop a Silent Epidemic
Youth Vaping: How to Stop a Silent Epidemic
Vapers: an underestimated electoral issue for Democrats in the USA?
Vapers: an underestimated electoral issue for Democrats in the USA?
The little-known effects of passive vaping on children's health
The little-known effects of passive vaping on children's health
Donald Trump Mobilizes to Save Vaping: An Unexpected U-Turn
Donald Trump Mobilizes to Save Vaping: An Unexpected U-Turn