If you have been a vaper for a short time, this name will probably not mean anything to you, however. FastTech is an integral part of the little history of the vape whether we like it or not. This Chinese online site which has been offering high-tech and vaping products for years will close its doors, it will leave behind many controversies concerning the "clones" of famous atomizers but also unbeatable prices.
« Cheap"," clones"," counterfeit"," good plan“, here is what may come to mind when the name of this Chinese site comes back to the fore. If today there are vapers and non-vapers, know that a few years ago a real war raged on social networks concerning the methods of FastTech. Many controversies with KangerTech, Sigelei or, Taifun came to feed a phenomenon that was gaining more and more momentum: the sale of counterfeits.
Between 2014 and 2018 who did not attempt to order a Taifun GT at $5 or a freshly released mod at -80% thinking it's a good deal? A true specialist in "cloning" new high-end atomizers, FastTech quickly made a name for itself in the small world of the vape to such an extent that it became aesthetically complicated to distinguish between an official atomizer and the "clone" offered at a discount price on the Chinese platform.
Despite its closure, FastTech will have had its share in the expansion and success of vaping, particularly in Europe. Often synonymous with poor quality and above all with counterfeiting, the Chinese shop was nevertheless enormously successful with vapers always in search of novelty without having the means to spend 120€ or 170€ for a simple atomizer. So there were the pro-FastTechs and the anti-FastTechs who spent a lot of time tearing each other apart on social networks and forums, a kind of "clone war" which ended on its own with the arrival of functional kits and atomizers at an affordable price.
"Dear customers, It is with a heavy heart that FastTech has decided to close our business. This decision was made mainly due to new legislation on the vaping industry.
The new measures and restrictions make the road ahead much more uncertain, which also prevents us from remaining competitive in terms of price and delivery. We have done our best to avoid coming to this. However, under current industry regulations, we had no choice but to close our doors.
We want to take this opportunity to thank each of you for being our loyal customers for the past ten years. It was a pleasure to serve you all. We couldn't have lasted this long without you. It's your sponsorship and support that has made FastTech a great decade. May you have a wonderful life with happiness along the way. ".
This closure will be heartbreaking for some and a relief for others, but FastTech will remain a name engraved in the memory of many vapers.