In the United States, the repression of the e-cigarette is underway! This is the case in the state of Massachusetts where ...
UNITED STATES: 75% e-cigarette tax spreads panic in Massachusetts shops!
UNITED STATES: 75% e-cigarette tax spreads panic in Massachusetts shops!
CANADA: Towards “neutral” packaging for vaping products?
CANADA: Towards “neutral” packaging for vaping products?
CANADA: The neutral package soon to be compulsory for cigarettes… but not for vaping!
CANADA: The neutral package soon to be compulsory for cigarettes… but not for vaping!
UNITED STATES: New FDA boss wants to continue war on e-cigarettes
UNITED STATES: New FDA boss wants to continue war on e-cigarettes
POLICY: The tobacco industry is not an ally of tobacco control policy
POLICY: The tobacco industry is not an ally of tobacco control policy
TUNISIA: A tobacco tax to finance public health.
TUNISIA: A tobacco tax to finance public health.
UNITED STATES: "Incisive measures" to protect young people from e-cigarettes
UNITED STATES: "Incisive measures" to protect young people from e-cigarettes
ANDORRA: No more promotion or advertising for tobacco products!
ANDORRA: No more promotion or advertising for tobacco products!
JMST 2018: Fontem Ventures wants the government to recognize the value of vaping in the fight against smoking
JMST 2018: Fontem Ventures wants the government to recognize the value of vaping in the fight against smoking
STUDY: 57% of French people believe that e-cigarettes are less dangerous than tobacco.
STUDY: 57% of French people believe that e-cigarettes are less dangerous than tobacco.
TOBACCO: An increase in taxes of 10% in Wallis and Futuna
TOBACCO: An increase in taxes of 10% in Wallis and Futuna
HEALTH: British American Tobacco tries to smoke out the public health message.
HEALTH: British American Tobacco tries to smoke out the public health message.