UNITED STATES: Donald Trump wants to meet representatives of the vaping industry

UNITED STATES: Donald Trump wants to meet representatives of the vaping industry

In the United States, the situation concerning the vape is gradually settling down. After the indictment of vitamin E acetate as a qualified suspect in the case of "lung diseases", President Donald Trump said yesterday that he would meet with representatives of the e-cigarette industry to find an "acceptable solution" to the "dilemma" of vaping.


The vaping situation in the United States has taken a very strange turn in recent days. After announcements of drastic choices in the regulation and the highlighting of the presence of vitamin E acetate in e-liquids which caused recent “lung diseases”, US President Donald Trump is now playing the suspense card .

Yesterday, he indicated that he would meet with representatives of the e-cigarette sector to find an "acceptable solution" to the "dilemma" of vaping, at the center of a standoff between industrialists and American health authorities. .

« I will meet with representatives of the vaping industry, with medical professionals and government officials to arrive at an acceptable solution to the dilemma of vaping and e-cigarettes.“, Wrote the US president on Twitter, before participating in a ceremony to honor veterans in New York.

« The health and safety of children, with jobs, will be the priorities" , he added.

As a reminder, a few days ago the American president had already made it known that he also wanted to pass the minimum age to buy electronic cigarettes in the United States from 18 to 21 years.

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About the Author

Passionate about journalism, I decided to join the editorial team of Vapoteurs.net in 2017 in order to mainly deal with vape news in North America (Canada, United States).