The now famous society Juul Labs has clearly not finished talking about her! Still at the heart of the controversy in the United States concerning vaping among young people, it is now attacking several companies including J Well SAS for counterfeit products. One way for this economic monster to impose its famous model all over the world without any competition.
Currently at the heart of the US crackdown on young people's vaping, Juul Labs absolutely does not give up his desire to impose himself throughout the world. The American company has just filed patent infringement complaints in the United States and Europe against several rivals it considers imitators.
The complaints follow the seizure this week of more than 1000 pages of documents regarding Juul Labs and its business practices as the investigation examines the growing use of e-cigarettes among young people.
Juul, which controls nearly three-quarters of the U.S. e-cigarette market, filed a complaint with the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) on Wednesday, and names 18 entities, mostly based in the United States or in China, accusing them of developing and selling products based on its patented technology. The complaint, released on Thursday, calls on the ITC to prevent the importation and sale of the affected products in the United States.
The company said that its UK subsidiary had also filed a lawsuit in Britain against the French company J Well France SAS, alleging that his range of e-cigarettes Bô Was in violation of his British patents.
The young Juul company, established in Silicon Valley, gained notoriety in the United States in just a few years, thanks to its high nicotine content and its sleek waist reduce device. Its dizzying growth and popularity in schools across the country has drawn the attention of government officials and regulators.
In a recent statement, Kevin Burns, President and CEO of Juul Labs said: “ The rapid proliferation of products infringing our intellectual property continues to grow as our market share increases"
« Protecting consumers and preventing the use of minors are critical priorities, and we will take necessary measures, where appropriate, to limit illegally copied products that undermine our efforts. »
Juul Labs also states that many of these rival products appear to be sold with little to no age verification process and appear to target young people with appealing aromas.
According to the analyst liberum, Nico von Stackelberg, a ban on Juul look-alikes would further strengthen the position of Juul and other companies in the e-cigarette industry, including British American Tobacco (BATS.L), Imperial Brands (IMB.L) and Altria (MO). .NOT), allowing the consolidation of the market.
« LThe reality is that the American e-cigarette market is largely gray and that the main players involved… exist and compete for a piece of the pie" , did he declare.